How often have you been in the situation where you suspect yourself suffering from a particular disease while doctors insist on diagnosing you with another? Kevin Everett at 60 years old faced this very same situation when doctor’s continuously diagnosed him with bronchitis, asthma and sleep apnea when Kevin suspected he was suffering from something more sinister. Kevin had cancer, yet he only knew after a year of being diagnosed wrongly.
The amazing fact about Kevin’s situation was that Google diagnosed him with cancer. With the help of the search engine, Kevin Everett found he had what was called nasopharyngeal cancer.
1 Prescribed With Inhalers and Antibiotics for A Common Respiratory Problem
Kevin Everett, a 60-year-old father of five children lives in Hull, England. For some time now he had been suffering from hearing problems, sinus and wheezing. On his visit to Calvert practice, he was prescribed inhalers,but his condition deteriorated further. He was then diagnosed with bronchitis, despite of a chest X-ray showing his lungs to be fairly clear. From then on, it was various diseases that GPs thought Kevin to be suffering from. Some felt he had sleep apnea where he was put on a special machine to clear his air passage while asleep.
Kevin was prescribed antibiotics and steroids which had no effect. Instead, his condition worsened. It was then that he decided to research his own disease online. So he turned to Google.