
You will be surprised to know who this old teacher recognized in a 30 year old photo

Teachers have a profound impact on the lives of their pupils. Not only do they teach them the subjects, but they also instill discipline, respect and courage about things in their students. Apart from parents, teachers are most responsible in shaping a child’s life and future. We have for you a heartwarming story of a reunion between a teacher and her student that was 30 years in waiting and happened due to the teacher watching television news. Read for yourself.

1 The 30 year old photo

Lorly Schik is a 90-year-old former teacher, who began her teaching career back in the 1940s. The teacher made a difference in hundreds of children’s life, teaching them not only the subjects, but also manners and a good way of living. Being a teacher, she remembered most of her students, despite her age and one day she was watching the news on the local channel and saw the TV news anchor had a very familiar face. She immediately dug into her stuff and came out with a 30 year old photo and searched for the face and the name in the photo and eventually found out that the news anchor was one of her former students Cory Hepola. Mrs. Schik had taught Hepola in kindergarten and had retired once that class moved into first grade to be with her grandchildren and children. Seeing that her pupil had become such a successful man, Mrs. Schik wrote a note to Hepola’s parents. “When I first saw him, I couldn’t hardly believe it,” said Mrs. Schik, filled with pride at the sight of her student doing big things. “I can still picture him as a small dark-haired child in his K-desk!”